Teaching young participants bike safety as well as refining biking skills in a hands-on setting. 


Remember the freedom and independence you felt the first time you rode a bike? The Y understands bicycles are a useful tool in helping youth grow, explore and even build community. Our YBike participants not only learn how to safely navigate the streets, but they also learn about their local community.

Developed in 2012 due to the financial generosity and support of Charles & Robin Deyo, our YBike program is led by caring and professional adults and helps transform youth into active outdoor enthusiasts, skilled cyclists, and more confident young adults. 

Want to learn how to ride a bike? Join us for a fun learning experience!

DeVos-Blum Family YMCA
WHEN: Wednesdays, 4:15p - 5:15p
AGES: 6-12
COST: $10 for Y Members, $15 for Non-members

YBike Program in the Y's Afterschool Programs

During the school year, our YBike program runs weekly in our Y's Afterschool care program, helping teach participants the basics of learning to ride a bike with hands-on instruction. 

YBike Program in the Y's Summer Camp Programs 

During the summer months, our YBike program is able to reach and graduate many kids in the Y's Summer Camp program. Traditional Campers are instructed by caring and trained staff throughout the summer. 

YBike Program in our Community 

Bike safety within South Palm Beach County is a growing concern and South Florida has some of the highest numbers of bike-related injuries that could have easily been prevented. Through the YBike Program, our staff introduces bike safety related topics in a small group setting to young participant’s ages six and up to help keep them safe. Y Bike offers a wide range of bike and traffic safety education programs, including  bicycle safety rodeos, and free monthly learn-to-ride events