Questions? Please contact:
Shireen Sapiro, Aquatics Director, Peter Blum Family YMCA of Boca Raton, 561-237-0935
Coraliz Delgado, Associate Wellness Director, DeVos-Blum Family YMCA of Boynton Beach, 561-536-1400
Aquatic exercise classes are a valuable and effective alternative to “land” programs. Aquatic exercise reduces the impact on joints, increases strength and improves flexibility. All fitness levels of swimmers and non-swimmers are welcome!
Deep Water
Traditional deep water aqua fitness moves will strengthen your cardiovascular system, improve your core strength and tone your muscles. Aqua belts are used to suspend and support you in the deep water.
Shallow Water
Improve cardiovascular fitness, core strength, stability, and flexibility. This is a cardiovascular aerobic class in the shallow water. Water dumbbells and noodles are used to assist with your workout.
Surf n’ Turf
This shallow water class is open to all members who want to improve posture, strength, and balance.
Water Walking
This class is designed to cater to people with physical limitations and for anyone looking to work out in the water at their own pace. Instructor lead exercises focus on an increased range of motion, core and joint stability, balance and flexibility and improved muscular strength.
Aqua Stride
A fun, upbeat program for any fitness level held in the shallow end of the pool. A low impact workout perfect for beginning to moderate exercisers or those recovering from injuries/illness. Using the unique properties of water such as buoyancy and drag to create resistance and reduce the strain on joints. Increase cardiovascular health while improving muscular endurance and flexibility.
Aqua Combo
The best of shallow and deep aquatic exercise come together for this energetic class. Cardiovascular and muscular resistance training and endurance are all featured in this combo class where half of the class is in the shallow and the other half in the deep end using buoyancy belts or noodles.
*Classes vary by branch, please refer to our group exercise schedule for classes at your local branch.
Questions? Please contact:
Shireen Sapiro, Aquatics Director, Peter Blum Family YMCA of Boca Raton, 561-237-0935
Coraliz Delgado, Associate Wellness Director, DeVos-Blum Family YMCA of Boynton Beach, 561-536-1400