Small Group Training at the Peter Blum Family YMCA
Premium Small Group Training classes
Get ready to experience high intensity training with a certified Personal Trainer - one-hour each class!
WHEN: Mondays at 6:30pm- Flex & Firm: Shoulder-Glute Fusion with Einat
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9am- Small Group Training with Holrich
Wednesdays at 6:30pm- Power Core & Glute Grind with Einat
Fridays at 9am- Full Body with Holrich
Fridays at 6pm- Power Core Restore with Einat
Saturdays at 9am- Glutes & Boots Bootcamp with Holrich
COST: is $12 per class OR purchase a month-long session starting at $38 per month!
Max class size is 10 participants - first come, first serve reservations at Front Desk.
Glutes & Boots
Butt-kickin' class that is sure to get you working those glute and leg muscles. Bring your own booty band - BYOBB! Max class size 15 participants.
WHEN: Saturdays at 8am with Holrich
WHERE: Wellness Center
COST: $12 per class, $38 per month (on-going)
High Intensity
A high intensity, full body work out that combines cardio and weights to get you feeling your best!
WHEN: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9am with Holrich
WHERE: Wellness Center
COST: $12 per session, $80 per month
Ultimate Training Boot Camp
High intensity class that mixes traditional callisthenic and body weight exercises with interval training and strength training. Encouraged to build up to running sprints, perform lots of push up and various forms of plyometric & interval training.
WHEN: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-9:45am or 6pm-6:45pm.
COST: $12 per session, $80 per month
YMCA Run Club
Join a group of motivated individuals as they set out on a path to health and happiness! Two training sessions per week consist of one hour coached session with a Trainer. Practice includes running form, pacing, interval drills, strength training, and running endurance.
WHEN: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 am
COST: FREE for Y Members