Your support will help our community learn, grow and thrive for generations to come.
Many generous individuals wish to make gifts in the future to the YMCA of South Palm Beach County. They are giving through their estate plans or making immediate contributions that can generate a life income or special tax benefits. Each year, those individuals who choose to place the YMCA of South Palm Beach County in their wills or estate plans become members of the Heritage Club. No matter the amount, big or small, anyone can be part of the Heritage Club:
The Heritage Club is a group of men and women who are committed to preserving a legacy for the YMCA. The YMCA of South Palm Beach County was chartered in 1972 and the Heritage Club was instituted in 2017. Both the Heritage Club and Heritage Club Dinner recognize, honor and thank those individuals who have included the YMCA in their long range estate plans.
Heritage Club members know first-hand that by nurturing the potential of every child and teen, improving the nation's health and well-being, and supporting and serving our neighbors, the Y ensures that everyone has the opportunity to become healthier, more confident, connected and secure.
As a Heritage Club member, you promise to perpetuate the purpose, values and traditions of the Y. Your contribution seals that promise by creating an everlasting legacy to future generations.
The Heritage Club is a way for the Y to thank and recognize donors during their lifetime for demonstrating their commitment to advancing the Y mission. Benefits include:
- Confidence that notifying the Y of your plan allows the Y to plan better for the future and ensure long-term mission advancement.
- Heritage Club events, updated, and reports about Y areas of focus that interest you.
You and your advisor(s) can consult with Y staff to ensure the best match between your charitable intentions and the Y's needs.
We like to recognize our Heritage Club Members with an annual Heritage Club Dinner event. Our last event took place at the Delray Dunes & Country Club - CLICK HERE for photos from the event.
Click HERE for a current list of our Heritage Club Members. THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO LEAVE YOUR LEGACY:
-Outright gift of cash
-Gift in your will or living trust
-Charitable gift annuity
-Donor advised fund
-Charitable remainder trust
-Charitable lead trust
Appreciated Securities
-Outright gift of appreciated securities
-Gift in your will or living trust
-Charitable gift annuity
-Donor advised fund
-Charitable remainder trust
-Charitable lead trust
Real Estate
-Outright gift of real estate
-Gift in your will or living trust
-Charitable gift annuity
-Charitable remainder trust
-Charitable lead trust
Life Insurance
-Outright gift of life insurance
-Beneficiary designations
Retirement Plan Assets
-Outright gift of real estate
-Gift in your living will or trust
-Charitable gift annuity
-Charitable remainder trust
-Charitable lead trust
Tangible Personal Property
-Outright gift or bargain sale
-Gift in your will or living trust
-Charitable gift annuity
-Charitable remainder trust
- Contact Heather Dupree at 561-237-0965 for additional information or with any questions.
- Complete the Commitment Form to be sent information
- Complete the Heritage Club form and return to Financial Development.
- If you include the YMCA of South Palm Beach County in your plans, please use our legal name and Federal Tax ID:
Legal Name: YMCA of South Palm Beach County
Address: 6331 Palmetto Circle South, Boca Raton, FL 33433
Federal Tax ID Number: 59-1416281
The Peter Blum Legacy Award is awarded annually to an individual or couple for their support of the YMCA and their dedication to the YMCA Heritage Club and Endowment Fund.
The Legacy Award is awarded annually to someone who:
- Supports growth in the endowment fund through the promotion of the fund and personal giving
- Encourages others to join the Heritage Club
- Participates in the ongoing development of the YMCA endowment fund
- Serves as a volunteer to support YMCA branch directors with endowment development
2017 Mary Morrell Blum and Peter Blum
2018-19 Judi and Craig Donoff
2020 Rosemary and Ben Krieger
2022 Patty & Randy Nobles
2023 Kathy & Paul Adkins
2024 Myrna Gordon Skurnick

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.