Questions or looking to schedule a tryout? Please contact:
Shireen Sapiro, Aquatics Director, Peter Blum Family YMCA of Boca Raton, 561-237-0935
Yarelis Leon, Aquatics Director, DeVos-Blum Family YMCA of Boynton Beach, 561-536-1405
Our Swim Team program embraces the YMCA's core values (respect, responsibility, honesty and caring) and promotes progression at an individual level. Our trained coaches work to improve skill level, endurance and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
The Y's Swim Team offers up to five practice times a week for beginning swimmers and more for advanced groups. Swimmers are encouraged to attend at least two practices a week.
Swim meets are scheduled against other teams in the South Palm Beach County area through the South Florida Recreational Swim League.
There are also several volunteer opportunities to help support the YMCA Swim Team.
Swim Team Requirements
Questions or looking to schedule a tryout? Please contact:
Shireen Sapiro, Aquatics Director, Peter Blum Family YMCA of Boca Raton, 561-237-0935
Yarelis Leon, Aquatics Director, DeVos-Blum Family YMCA of Boynton Beach, 561-536-1405